Tuesday, January 31, 2017

TOEFL Must-Have 400 Words : 41-50

  1. Artillery (n) : Large guns that shoot powerful shells; army units that handle such guns; An artillery barrage broke down the city’s thick walls within seconds.
  2. Ascertain (v) : To make sure of; The police failed to ascertain that the man they arrested was the Gregory Brown they were really looking for.
  3. Assail (v) : To attack or criticize forcefully; With DNA evidence from the crime scene, the defense lawyer assailed the police for falsely arresting his client.
  4. Assess (v) : To estimate the value of something; The Barnes building was assessed at $1.3 million, but it can probably sell for much more than that.
  5. Asset (n) : A possession that has positive value; These constitute the main asset of the government.
  6. Assimilate (v) : To consume and incorporate; to become similar; Not all of the overseas students could assimilate into the rigidly controlled school.
  7. Associate (v) : To regularly spend time together; Carol doesn’t associate with people who smoke.
  8. Astrological (adj) : Related to the study of the position of stars, the sun, and the planets in the belief that they influence earthly events; Every day, Mona read her astrological forecast in the newspaper, and she was careful if the horoscope predicted trouble.
  9. Atheist (n) : One who does not believe in the existence of a supreme being; He argued that his scientific training made it impossible for him to be anything but an atheist.
  10. Augment (v) : To make bigger or better by adding to; In some types of popular cosmetic surgery people augment parts of their bodies.

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