Wednesday, February 1, 2017

TOEFL Must-Have 400 Words : 51-60

  1. Authority (n) : The power to make decisions, to tell others what to do; The governor has the authority to call the legislature together for emergency sessions.
  2. Battle (v) : To fight against; The Viet Minh battled French forces at Dien Bien Phu for nearly two months in 1954.
  3. Be inclined to (v) : To favor an opinion or a course of action; He couldn’t say which candidate he favored, but he had always been inclined to vote Republican.
  4. Berate (v) : To say insulting and disrespectful things; The teacher lost his job because he cruelly berated students who made mistakes.
  5. Biased (adj) : Leaning unfairly in one direction; Her newspaper article was criticized for being heavily biased toward the mayor’s proposal.
  6. Bitterly (adv) : Strongly and with a lot of bad feelings; Senator Thomas bitterly opposed the movement to design a new state flag.
  7. Bond (n) : A close connection; Some researchers say that there is an especially strong emotional bond between twins.
  8. Bribery (n) : Giving money or other gifts to a government official or other person in authority in order to get special privileges; Bribery of police officers is common in countries where police salaries are very low.
  9. Bulk (n) : Largeness and a heavy appearance; The bulk of Kevin’s athletic body was too great for one small chair, so he sat on a bench.
  10. Burden (n) : Something that is carried; a source of stress or worry; The donkey walked slowly under the burden of its heavy load.

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