Sunday, January 15, 2017

TOEFL Must-Have 400 Words : 11-20

  1. Adjacent adj. Next to; Even though the villages are adjacent to each other, their residents speak different languages.
  2. Adjust v. To change; to get accustomed to something; Travelers are advised to adjust their watches before arriving in the new time zone.
  3. Adolescent adj. Characteristic of a teenager; not fully grown up; In policy meetings, George refuses to reason with anyone and just scowls in an adolescent way.
  4. Advent n. Coming; arrival; The advent of the automobile greatly increased the demand for petroleum.
  5. Adversely adv. In a harmful way, negatively; Excessive rainfall early in the spring can adversely affect the planting of crops.
  6. Advocate v. To speak out in favor of something; Some environmentalists advocate removing large dams from the Columbia River.
  7. Aesthetically adv. In a way that relates to beauty or appearance; The outside of the office building is aesthetically pleasing, but the inside is dark and unpleasant.
  8. Affection n. An emotional closeness or warmth; I show affection for my girlfriend by spending time with her, not by spending money on her.
  9. Affluence n. Wealth and the style of life that goes with it; Mohadzir grew up amid affluence, which poorly prepared him for his grad student days in crowded apartments with no servants.
  10. Aggravate v. To make worse; to anger or intensify; Running will aggravate your sore knees.

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