Tuesday, January 17, 2017

TOEFL Must-Have 400 Words : 21-30

  1. Aggravate v. To make worse; to anger or intensify; Running will aggravate your sore knees.
  2. Aggregate adj. Gathered into or amounting to a whole; It is impossible to judge last year’s performance without knowing the aggregate sales numbers.
  3. Agnostic adj. Believing that humans cannot know whether there is a god; His devoutly Christian parents had problems with his agnostic beliefs.
  4. Allegedly adv. According to what people say; The chief financial officer of the company allegedly took company money for his personal use.
  5. Allegiance n. Loyalty; My allegiance to my country is based on respect for its principles.
  6. Allocate v. To give out different amounts for different purposes; The budget allocates $58 billion to the military and only about $2 billion to education.
  7. Amateurish adj. Not good enough to be the work of professionals; Whoever painted this room did an amateurish job, with all sorts of uneven edges.
  8. Ambiguous adj. Having more than one possible meaning; The sentence It’s hard to say is ambiguous, with different meanings in different contexts.
  9. Amend v. To change for the better; The residents voted to amend their neighborhood policy on fences.
  10. Analyze v. To examine something by looking at its parts; Chemists analyzed the white powder and found it to be only a mixture of sugar and salt.
  11. Ancestral adj. Relating to family members from earlier generations; Sweden is my ancestral homeland, from which my great grandfather emigrated in 1922.

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