Saturday, January 14, 2017

TOEFL Must-Have 400 Words : 1-10

  1. Abandon v. To leave, to give up; To save their lives, the sailors had to abandon the sinking ship.
  2. Abduction n. Kidnapping; Pirates got many crew members by abduction, snatching unlucky citizens from seaport towns.
  3. Abstract adj. Not concrete and realistic; not obviously related to everyday experience; Abstract painting became popular partly because early photography was very realistic.
  4. Accumulate v. To build up a large amount of something; Over several generations, the Hardington family accumulated vast wealth by buying and selling land.
  5. Accuracy n. Precision; exactness; The research department checks all our articles for accuracy of facts before we print them.
  6. Accuse v. To say that someone did something wrong (e.g., committed a crime); Jordan was accused of using a stolen credit card to buy about $300 worth of electronic equipment.
  7. Acquire v. To get something, usually something with special value or meaning; Bart hoped to acquire the 1898 D Indian Head penny, which would make his collection complete.
  8. Acquisition n. The act of taking possession of something; Our recent acquisition of over 2,000 books makes ours the biggest library in the region.
  9. Adapt v. To adjust to the circumstances; to make suitable; Dinosaurs could not adapt to the warmer temperatures. The teacher adapted the exercises for his more advanced students.
  10. Addictive adj. Making someone want it so much that the person feels ill without it; Some drugs, like heroin or methamphetamine, are addictive to almost everyone who tries them.

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