Tuesday, January 31, 2017

TOEFL Must-Have 400 Words : 31-40

  1. Anesthesia (n) : Techniques for reducing sensation and feeling, especially to control pain; The Civil War was the first American war when anesthesia was widely used in surgery on soldiers.
  2. Animism (n) : The belief that natural objects, such as trees, have souls; Desert cultures that practice animism often believe that winds contain spirits.
  3. Annex v. To make something (usually land) part of another unit; Bardstown grew by annexing several farms at the north edge of town.
  4. Anomaly (n) : Something unusual; White tigers get their beautiful coloring from a genetic anomaly.
  5. Anticipate (v) : To expect, to sense something before it happens; By placing sensors in earthquake-prone areas, scientists can anticipate some tremors in time to warn the public.
  6. Antipathy (n) : A strong, long-lasting negative feeling; My antipathy toward telemarketers is so strong that I am often rude to them.
  7. Apex (n) : The highest point; Gregory knew that his running skills had to be at their apex during the tournament.
  8. Apprehend (v) : To capture; The police apprehended the robbery suspect as he tried to get on a bus to Chicago.
  9. Arbitrary (adj) : Chosen simply by whim or chance, not for any specific reason; The decision to build a school in Blackberry Township was arbitrary, without any thought to future housing patterns.
  10. Arrogantly (adv) : In a way that shows a high opinion of oneself and a low opinion of others; Jenny told us about her party only one day in advance, arrogantly thinking we had nothing else to do.

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