Tuesday, January 3, 2017

SAT High Frequency Words : 101-110

  1. Digression N. wandering away from the subject. Nobody minded when Professor Renoir’s lectures wandered away from their official theme; his digressions were always more fascinating than the topic of the day.
  2. Diligence N. steadiness of effort; persistent hard work. Her employers were greatly impressed by her diligence and offered her a partnership in the firm.
  3. Diminution N. lessening; reduction in size. Old Jack was as sharp at eighty as he had been at fifty; increasing age led to no diminution of his mental acuity.
  4. Discerning ADJ. mentally quick and observant; having insight. Though no genius, the star was sufficiently discerning to tell her true friends from the countless phonies who flattered her.
  5. Disclose V. reveal. Although competitors offered him bribes, he refused to disclose any information about his company’s forthcoming product.
  6. Discordant ADJ. not harmonious; conflicting. Nothing is quite so discordant as the sound of a junior high school orchestra tuning up.
  7. Discount V. disregard; dismiss. Be prepared to discount what he has to say about his ex-wife.
  8. Discriminating ADJ. able to see differences; prejudiced. A superb interpreter of Picasso, she was sufficiently discriminating to judge the most complex works of modern art.
  9. Disdain V. view with scorn or contempt. In the film Funny Face, the bookish heroine disdained fashion models for their lack of intellectual interests.
  10. Disinclination N. unwillingness. Some mornings I feel a great disinclination to get out of bed.

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