Monday, January 2, 2017

Barron's High Frequency 333 Words : 101-110

  1. Dissonance (n) discord, opposite of harmony; Composer Charles Ives often used DISSONANCE - clashing or unresolved chords - for special effects in his musical works.
  2. Distend (v) expand, swell out; I can tell when he is under stress by the way the veins DISTEND on his forehead.
  3. Distill (v) purify, refine, concentrate; A moonshiner DISTILLS mash into whiskey; an epigrammatic distills thoughts int quips.
  4. Diverge (v) vary, go in different directions from the same point; The spokes of the wheel DIVERGE from the hub.
  5. Divest (v) strip, deprive; He was DIVESTED of his power to act and could no longer govern.
  6. Document (v) provide written evidence; She kept all the receipts from her business trip in order to DOCUMENT her expenses for the firm.
  7. Dogmatic (adj) opinionated, arbitrary, doctrinal; We tried to discourage Doug from being so DOGMATIC, but never could convince him that his opinions might be wrong.
  8. Dormant (adj) sleeping, lethargic, latent; At fifty her long-DORMANT ambition to write flared up once more; within a year she had completed the first of her great historical novels.
  9. Dupe (n) someone easily fooled; While the gullible Watson often was made a DUPE by unscrupulous parties, Sherlock Holmes was far more difficult to fool.
  10. Ebullient (adj) showing excitement, overflowing with enthusiasm; Amy’s EBULLIENT nature could not be repressed; she was always bubbling over with excitement.

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