Friday, January 20, 2017

Barron's High Frequency 333 GRE Words : 121-130

  1. Engender (v) cause, produce; To receive praise for real accomplishments ENGENDERS self-confidence in a child.
  2. Enhance (v) increase, improve; You can ENHANCE your chances of being admitted to the college of your choice by learning to write well.
  3. Ephemeral (adj) short-lived, fleeting; The mayfly is an EPHEMERAL: its adult life lasts little more than a day.
  4. Equanimity (n) calmness of temperament, composure; Even the inevitable strains of caring for an ailing mother did not disturb Bea’s EQUANIMITY.
  5. Equivocate (v) lie, mislead, attempt to conceal the truth; No matter how bad the news is, give it to us straight, above all, don’t EQUIVOCATE.
  6. Erudite (adj) learned, scholarly; Unlike much scholarly writing, Huizinga’s prose was entertaining as well as ERUDITE, lively as well as learned.
  7. Esoteric (adj) hard to understand; Known only to the chosen few New Yorker short stories often include ESOTERIC allusions to obscure people and events.
  8. Eulogy (n) expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone’s death; Instead of delivering a spoken EULOGY at Genny;s memorial service, Jeff sang a song he had written in her honor.
  9. Euphemism (n) mild expression in place of an unpleasant one; The expression “he passed away” is a EUPHEMISM fo “he died”.
  10. Exacerbate (v) worsen, embitter; The latest bombing exacerbated England’s already existing bitterness against the IRA, causing the Prime Minister to break off the peace talks abruptly.

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