Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Barron's High Frequency 333 GRE Words : 71-80

  1. Default (n) failure to act; When the visiting team failed to show up for the big game, the lost the game by DEFAULT.
  2. Deference (n) courteous regard for another’s wish; In deference to the minister’s request, please do not take photographs during the wedding service.
  3. Delineate (v) portray, depict, sketch; Using only a few descriptive phrases, Austen DELINEATES the character of Mr. Collins so well that we can predict his every move.
  4. Denigrate (v) blacken; All attempts to DENIGRATE the character of our late president have failed; the people still love him and cherish his memory.
  5. Deride (v) ridicule, make fun of; The critics DERIDED his pretentious dialogue and refused to consider his play seriously.
  6. Derivative (adj) unoriginal, obtained from another source; Although her early poetry was clearly DERIVATIVE in nature, the critics thought she had promise and eventually would find her own voice.
  7. Desiccate (v) dry up; A tour of this smokehouse will give you an idea of how the pioneers used to DESICCATE food in order to preserve it.
  8. Desultory (adj) aimless, haphazard, digressing at random; In prison Malcolm X set himself the task of reading straight through the dictionary; to him, reading was purposeful, not DESULTORY.
  9. Deterrent (n) something that discourages, hindrance; Does the threat of capital punishment serve as a DETERRENT to potential killers.
  10. Diatribe (n) bitter scolding, invective; During the lengthy DIATRIBE delivered by his opponent he remained calm and self-controlled.

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