Saturday, December 3, 2016

Barron's High Frequency 333 GRE Words : 21-30

  1. Apathy (n) : lack of caring, indifference; A firm believer in democratic government, she could not understand the APATHY of people who never bothered to vote.
  2. Appease (v) : pacify or soothe, relieve; Tom and Jody tried to APPEASE the crying baby by offering him one toy after another.
  3. Apprise (v) : inform; When NASA was APPRISED of the dangerous weather conditions, the head of the space agency decided to postpone the shuttle launch.
  4. Approbation (n) : approval; Wanting her parents regard, she looked for some sign of their APPROBATION.
  5. Appropriate (v) : acquire, take possession of for one’s own use; The ranch owners APPROPRIATED the lands that had originally been set aside for the Indians use.
  6. Arduous (adj) : hard, strenuous; Her ARDUOUS efforts had sapped her energy.
  7. Artless (adj) : without guile, open and honest; Red Riding Hood’s ARTLESS comment, “Grandma, what big eyes you have!” indicates the child’s innocent surprise at her “grandmother’s” changed appearance.
  8. Ascetic (adj) : practicing self-denial, austere; The wealthy, self-indulgent young man felt oddly drawn to the strict, ASCETIC life led by members of some monastic orders.
  9. Assiduous (adj) : diligent; It took Rembrandt weeks of ASSIDUOUS labor before he was satisfied with his portrait of his son.
  10. Assuage (v) : ease or lessen(pain), satisfy(hunger), soothe(anger); Jilted by Jane, Dick tried to ASSUAGE his heartache by indulging in ice cream.

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