Friday, December 2, 2016

Barron's High Frequency 333 GRE Words : 1-10

  1. Abate (v) : subside or moderate; Rather than leaving immediately, they waited for the storm to ABATE.
  2. Aberrant (adj) : abnormal or deviant; Given the ABERRANT nature of the data, we came to doubt the validity of the entire experiment.
  3. Abeyance (n) : suspended action; The deal was held in ABEYANCE until her arrival.
  4. Abscond (v) : depart secretly and hide; The teller who ABSCONDED with the bonds went uncaptured until someone recognized him from his photograph on America’s Most Wanted.
  5. Abstemious (adj) : sparing in eating and drinking, temperate; Concerned whether her vegetarian son’s abstemious diet provided him with sufficient protein, the worried mother pressed food on him.
  6. Admonish (v) : warn, reprove; When her courtiers questioned her religious beliefs, Mary Stuart ADMONISHED them, declaring that she would worship as she pleased.
  7. Adulterate (v) : make impure by adding inferior or tainted substance; It is a crime to ADULTERATE foods without informing the buyer.
  8. Aesthetic (adj) : artistic, dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful; The beauty of Tiffany’s stained glass appealed to Alice’s AESTHETIC sense.
  9. Aggregate (v) : gather, accumulate; Before the Wall Street scandals, dealers in so-called junk bonds managed to AGGREGATE great wealth in short periods of time.
  10. Alacrity (n) : cheerful promptness, eagerness; Phil and dAve were raring to get off to the mountains; they packed up their ski gear and climbed into the van with ALACRITY.

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